Thursday, February 18, 2010

Message from the Head Snail

The following is an e-mail sent out by the SlowFood SCCC President, Gregory Kern.

[...]For those of you who have not been to the meetings in a while, we are starting to get things under way. We have elected officers for this semester, they are as follows:

Gregory Kern, President
Katie Eagan, Vice President
Joan Dembinski, Treasurer
Justin Stearns, Secretary
Jessica Hill, Communications

For the time being, we have settled on Mondays at 2:00pm as a weekly meeting time. This will remain the same until we hear from more people about their schedules and when may be a better time.

Recently we have been discussing future activities so we can submit a budget request. Some of the things that we have discussed doing are:
  1. Running a table at the Schenectady Green Market on Sunday afternoons. This would be an information table for Slow Foods, and hopefully eventually we would be doing demos for people at the green market and discussing foods available there and how to pick them and prepare them.
  2. Farm visit(s)
  3. Starting a school garden in the Biology department, growing herbs and possibly micro greens.
  4. Holding a screening of the feature documentary, Food Inc.
  5. Possibly working with the schools daycare to educate children about food.
  6. Figuring out a way to have free cooking classes. A way that we may be able to get this going is to simply record a video of the preparation of a food, and post it on a web site or blog. This could be a first step towards conducting actual classes.
  7. I am planning on talking to the 'powers that be' to see if we can have a monthly column in the Binnekill newspaper talking about club-going-ons and have a recipe that uses a locally produced, seasonal ingredient that stays in line with slow foods mentality of good, fair, sustainable food. This would help our students and faculty know what is fresh and local, where to get it, and how to prepare it.

The forum is open people, any comments, ideas, or well...anything at all please talk to me or any of the other officers. Attendance at the meetings has been low lately, and hopefully now that we are planning on doing some stuff we will see more people more often. Remember, our WEEKLY meeting time is 2:00 on Monday afternoons in the conference room between the culinary department locker rooms.

See you then
Gregory Kern

Edit: (9:05a.m.) - Talkative Snail
Links added in for more information, will open in new window.

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