The show, held at the Jacob Javits Center in the heart of Manhattan, ran from Sunday February, 28- March 2, 2010. Some of the 'slow' highlights of the show included an abundance of local and earth friendly products.
Exhibitors displayed energy effiecnt restaurant equipment, incluing fryer oil recyclers. There were also platewares and to go containers that were compostable, recyled and recyclable, and biodegradeable. My personal favorite was the pizza box: the lid was perforated to tear apart into four plates, and the bottom of the box was made to fold in half for a better fit in the fridge with leftovers. It seemed like evrywhere you turned there was bamboo- a low impact, easily renewed resource.
As always there was a New York section, which highlighted products from all around New York State. Information on farmers and green markets throughout the state as well as seasonal produce guides were available. Many NYS wineries and breweries were present, and apples were abound.
Already, I am looking forward to next year...
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